Friday, September 4, 2020
The Union Jack Flag - Flag of the United Kingdom
The Union Jack Flag - Flag of the United Kingdom The Union Jack, or Union Flag, is the banner of the United Kingdom. The Union Jack has been in presence since 1606, when England and Scotland consolidated, yet changed to its present structure in 1801 when Ireland joined the United Kingdom Why the Three Crosses? In 1606, when England and Scotland were both governed by one ruler (James I), the principal Union Jack banner was made by consolidating the English banner (the red cross of Saint George on a white foundation) with the Scottish banner (the inclining white cross of Saint Andrew on a blue foundation). At that point, in 1801, the option of Ireland to the United Kingdom included the Irish banner (the red Saint Patricks cross) to the Union Jack. The crosses on the banners identify with the benefactor holy people of every substance - St. George is the benefactor holy person of England, St. Andrew is the supporter holy person of Scotland, and St. Patrick is the supporter holy person of Ireland. Why Is It Called the Union Jack? While nobody is very sure where the term Union Jack began, there are numerous speculations. Association is thought to originate from the association of the three banners into one.â As for Jack, one clarification expresses that for a long time a jack alluded to a little banner flown from a vessel or transport and maybe the Union Jack was utilized there first.â Others accept that Jack could emerge out of the name of James I or from a fighters jack-et. There are a lot of speculations, yet, in truth, the appropriate response is that nobody knows without a doubt where Jack originated from. Additionally Called the Union Flag The Union Jack, which is most appropriately called the Union Flag, is the official banner of the United Kingdom and has been in its present structure since 1801. The Union Jack on Other Flags The Union Jack is additionally fused into the banners of four free nations of the British Commonwealth - Australia, Fiji, Tuvalu, and New Zealand.
Sunday, August 23, 2020
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Literary Analysis of The True Story of Hansel and Gretel Essay
Set in Poland during the German occupation, â€Å"The True Story of Hansel and Gretel†is told as a fantasy, using a considerable lot of the components that are regular to fantasies. This book mirrors the Grimm brothers’ fantasy, â€Å"Hansel and Gretel.†However, in Murphy’s illustration, Hansel and Gretel are two Jewish kids who are surrendered by their dad and stepmother so as to spare them from the Nazis. Setting the story in Nazi Germany makes a climate of dread and tension, and sets up a situation in which it is workable for individuals to act in manners that would be unsatisfactory under different conditions. The stepmother is a genuine case of this. She is the power in the family †it is she who concludes that everybody in the family will have a superior possibility of endurance, on the off chance that they split up †the youngsters going off alone together and the guardians changing course. Not at all like the depiction of the stepmother in the Grimm fantasy, this stepmother isn't insidious. She is solid willed and decided, yet not malicious, despite the fact that she is securing herself and her significant other by surrendering the youngsters. Utilizing the stepmother as the reprobate is regular in fantasies, as indicated by Stone in her article â€Å"Things Walt Disney Didn’t Tell Us.†She recommends that the lady of the family is about consistently picked for the piece of the scalawag. Be that as it may, in Murphy’s story, the stepmother’s activities, while they may seem awful at the beginning, might be understood as gallant at long last, since she just relinquishes the youngsters so as to spare them. She additionally thinks profoundly about the children’s government assistance, enough that she loses her life because of endeavoring to discover them. In this case, Murphy is helping us that the detestations to remember the time were so extraordinary th... ...s not requested to utilize rationale and consequently the enthusiastic effect of the story is more straightforward and maybe increasingly strong. This book left me with a more profound feeling of the repulsions experienced by the Polish individuals, particularly the Jews and the rovers, on account of the Germans, while showing the mix of expectation and inconceivable strength that propped them up. Works Cited Murphy, Louise, (2013). The Real Story of Hansel and Gretel. Penguin Books. Stone, Kay (1975). Things Walt Disney Never Told Us. The Journal of American Old stories, Vol 88, No 347, Women and Folklore pp42-50, University of Illinois Press. Hansjorg, Hohr, (2000). Dynamic Aspects of Fairy Tales: social and enthusiastic ability through fantasies. Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research, Vol 44, No 1, Department of Education, Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Friday, August 21, 2020
SUPERCONDUCTIVITY Essays - Superconductivity,
SUPERCONDUCTIVITY The meaning of superconductivity. Superconductivity is a marvel shown by specific conveyors that demonstrate no protection from the progression of electric flow. Conductors are materials in which the electron current experiences. There are 4 various types of conductors. Separators, similar to glass or wood, have a high obstruction while semi-conductors, for example, silicon, have a medium opposition. Conveyors, similar to copper and different metals, have low obstruction, and superconductors, involved certain metals, for example, mercury and earthenware production, for example, lanthanum-barium-copper-oxide, have no opposition. Opposition is a deterrent in the progression of power. Superconductors likewise have solid dimagnetism. At the end of the day, they are repulsed by attractive fields. Because of these extraordinary attributes of superconductors, no electrical vitality is lost while streaming and since attractive levitation over a superconductor is conceivable, new innovation l ater on could incorporate fast trains that movement at 483 km/h (300 mph) while suspending on a pad of air, incredible clinical frameworks that have a lot a larger number of abilities than the CAT check, or even attractively determined boats that get their capacity from the sea itself (Gibilisco 1993, p 28). Causing materials to become superconductors. At the point when superconductivity was first found, it was set up that the mixes should have been cooled to inside a few degrees Kelvin to outright (zero Kelvin). Zero degrees Kelvin is equivalent to - 460 degrees Fahrenheit and - 273 degrees Celsius. The enormous measure of cooling was finished by placing the compound in fluid helium. Helium, which is generally a gas, condenses when its temperature drops to 4 K. When the material had cooled to that temperature, it turned into a superconductor. Be that as it may, utilizing fluid helium to chill off material has been an issue. Fluid helium is over the top expensive, and the cooling gear is enormous (Langone 1989, p 8). Before, there was no monetary motivating force to supplant standard conductors with superconductors in light of the fact that the cooling costs for superconductors were so high. Researchers have attempted to discover approaches to conquer the cooling issues, thus far they ha ve discovered 2. The first is to figure out how to cool the material utilizing something more affordable and less massive than fluid helium. The subsequent route is to raise the temperatures that are important to cause superconductivity in the metals, or the basic temperatures. By joining materials into superconducting composites, the temperature was raised somewhat. By 1933, the basic temperature was at 10 K, and it wasn't until 1969 when the basic temperature was raised to 23 K and researchers attempted, ineffectively, to raise it once more. At that point, in 1986, 2 IBM specialists in Zurich found an unpredictable artistic material that was superconducting at 30 K. Subsequent to being expanded to 39 K in late 1986, a basic temperature of 98 K was accounted for by Ching-WuChu and his exploration group at the University of Houston in 1987. Another coolant was then utilized. Fluid nitrogen condenses at 77 K, is genuinely reasonable, and can even be hauled around in a canteen (Mayo 1988, p 7). Fluid n itrogen costs around 50 pennies a liter, while fluid helium costs a few dollars a liter. On account of this new revelation, proficient and financially savvy superconductors could be made. HISTORY OF THE SUPERCONDUCTOR Revelation. In 1911, the Dutch physicist Heike Kamerlingh Onnes found superconductivity while doing research on the impacts of amazingly chilly temperatures on the properties of metals. While directing his analyses, he found that mercury list all protection from the progression of power when it was cooled to around 4 K. He at that point proceeded to find superconductivity in different metals. For each situation, the material must be cooled to inside a few degrees Kelvin to total zero. To promote his examinations, Onnes once put a current in a superconductor that was framed looking like a ring, and cooled it in fluid helium. One year subsequent to evacuating the wellspring of power, the current was all the while streaming at its unique quality in the superconductor (Hazen 1988, p 31). The main drawback to the new finding was that researchers couldn't clarify how it functioned. Numerous researchers had speculations, however it was Albert Einstein who maybe summarized it best when he sa id in 1922, With our significant obliviousness of entangled quantum-mechanical frameworks, we are a long way from
Free Admissions Essay - Care for an Ethnically Diverse Population :: Medicine College Admissions Essays
Affirmations Essay - Care for an Ethnically Diverse Population Crawfish tails in tarragon margarine, galantine of bunny with foie gras, oxtail in red wine, and apple tartelletes. The patient had this rich dinner and griped of liver surprise (crise de foie). Why a liver hurt? I constantly partner acid reflux with a stomach throb. In examining French culture in my Evolutionary Psychology class, I discovered that while encountering distress after a rich feast, the French expect their liver is the offender. Comprehension and managing the minor - now and then major - social contrasts is a need in our contracting world and different American culture. Human sciences has set me up to successfully speak with an ethnically differing populace. My science classes, look into, and clinical experience have set me up to fulfill the needs of clinical school. I previously got mindful of the important help that doctors give when I watched my dad, a specialist, working in his office. I increased pragmatic experience helping him and his staff perform different methods in his out-quiet focus. This introduction expanded my profound respect for the remedial, innovative, and masterful parts of medical procedure. I additionally observed that the utilization of clinical information was best when joined with sympathy and compassion from the social insurance supplier. While appreciating my dad's job as a head and neck specialist helping individuals after extreme mishaps, I additionally figured out how to help those experiencing incapacitating sicknesses. Functioning as an ensured physical coach, I got mindful of the incredible recuperative impacts of activity. I had the option to apply this information on account of Sharon, a forty-three-year-old customer experiencing lupus. she announced a 200% expansion in her quality tests after I prepared her. This implied she could by and by perform basic undertakings like conveying food supplies into her home. Sadly, this brief look at progress was trailed by a further weakening in her condition. On one event, she separated and cried about her declining wellbeing and developing apprehensions. It was then that I adapted no physical ability or utilization of kinesiology would ease her torment. I decreased her tension with an encouraging grasp. Sympathy and comprehension were the main cures accessible, transito ry however they were. To affirm that medication is the most ideal path for me to help other people, I helped an examination group in the Emergency Room at University Medical Center (UMC).
Saturday, July 11, 2020
Example of Illustration Essay Topics
Example of Illustration Essay TopicsThe examples of illustration essay topics provide ideas that are used in the examples to illustrate the concepts that are being presented. These examples are quite common and are taken from a variety of types of sources.There are many types of example essay topics. The example of illustration essay topics are typically in the form of a research paper or thesis. A student will want to focus on the basis of the argument they make in the essay. By choosing to include this kind of example, it can make it easier for the reader to follow the flow of the essay.There are a few tips to follow when writing examples of illustration essays. The first thing to do is to use the example as the foundation of the argument. It is necessary to understand what the model is saying before you can begin to represent it. After a student has found the validity of their argument, it is time to begin to illustrate it by using the models.If an illustrative model cannot be use d, it is important to make sure that the elements of the illustration should be related to the idea being expressed. An example of illustration essay can use simple models to better illustrate the idea being presented. This is commonly used in such things as landscape photography. It is a good idea to include the main feature and then be able to relate it to the picture.An example of illustration essay topics often uses information to support a thesis statement. The examples that are created for this use are very similar to those created for research papers. This means that they will generally include scientific data and abstract models. They will also have some depth to them that is helpful to the reader.One key element to writing an example of illustration essay is to make sure that the information that is being used is unique. In order to accomplish this, it is best to use special words that have been used previously. The ideas that are being presented should not be copied from o ther sources. The main idea should be expanded upon with a couple of additional thoughts.An example of illustration essay can be a good example of illustration essay topics because they often demonstrate the basics of an argument. They can also provide the ideas that are essential for a good research paper. Making use of examples of illustration essay topics help the reader to see the benefit of having such information available. It can help to improve the student's reasoning skills.Some examples of illustration essay topics are quite abstract and are considered to be writings of the highest quality. They are often not complete sentences. Instead, they are hand-written prose that takes great lengths to explain various ideas. It may be helpful to keep an example of illustration essay topics that describe different ways that a writer can construct their ideas.
Wednesday, June 24, 2020
Interwoven Romantic Messages - Literature Essay Samples
Representing a powerful reaction against Puritanism, an English Protestant literary movement based upon the rigid and logical belief in a God is ready and willing to Punish his followers, Romanticism challenged virtually all major Puritanical beliefs. The newfound trust in the human imagination, free will for the brain to use intellect and imagination, and the incredibly sinful and corrupt of the human mind were all main ideas supported by Romantics. The Romantic focus on human nature is an excruciatingly complicated system that various authors throughout Romantic literature have brought attention to, alluding to various sinful characteristics of man that depict the ultimate horror behind the pretty face. Not only is human nature emphasized within the Romantic literary movement, but the role of nature and the tedious detail put into the descriptions of this phenomena are a crucial aspect of American Romanticism as well. The poem, â€Å"A Winter Piece,†written by William Culle n Bryant, tackles the Romantic ideals of an accepting God, complex human nature, and the importance of unique personal experiences by joining these three systems together and using the highly-detailed description of nature to describe the rather unsteady intricacy of humankind. Through Bryant’s delicate descriptions of earthly nature, a loving, caring, and comforting God is found connected to all aspects of man. While the narrator is abiding within the beauty of a forest, he finds himself relating to someone whom he has known since his own childhood: While I stood In nature’s loneliness, I was with one With whom I early grew familiar, one Who never had a frown for me, whose voice Never rebuked me for the hours I stole From cares I loved not, but of which the worl Deems highest, to converse with her (Lines 16-22). This being has the ability to speak with nature as well as the ability to be affectionate and passionate towards the narrator. This individual holds God-like powers that he refuses to abuse and instead uses his powers for tender love and compassion. Through nature, the narrator is allowed to become one with this individual, whom we can refer to as God, depicting the overarching affection that God brings into the narrator’s life. This is solely due to the Romantic belief that God shall not be feared, that God shall be loved and praised, and he will be loving and passionate in return. God and Nature are connected rather than separate; they speak to each other, they interact with each other, and God does not have complete and total power over Nature’s blissful perfection. This view of God created by the Romantics is in direct opposition to the Puritan belief that God shall be feared like none other. The Puritans and strongly believe in the â€Å"Great Chain of Being,†in which God is held above nature, while nature is merely considered to be rocks and dirt. This poem completely disproves this strict and rigid idea by simply going into immaculate detail with all aspects of a forest continually throughout the entire poem, describing every single flawless element of nature as much more than simply rocks and dirt. In all, the Romantic connection made between Nature and God within the poem alludes to the fact that God is a caring and loving being, contrary to the Puritanical belief that God is simply waiting to send his followers straight to hell. Additionally, Bryant uses impeccable description of nature to explain the complex, unreliable natural tendencies of the human soul and mind. For instance, near the middle of the poem, the narrator finds himself contrasting the different seasons and how each one affects the look and beauty of the forest: But Winter has yet brighter scenes- he boasts Splendors beyond what gorgeous Summer knows; Or Autumn with his many fruits, and woods All flushed with many hues (57-60). Continuing with the theme of the poem, these seasons represent the various layers that make up human nature, layers that all contribute to the extreme complexity of humankind as a whole. Bryant writes that each individual season is â€Å"flushed with many hues†to further explain how confusing and complicated each individual component of human nature is, as each layer retains its own unique aspects. This imaginative idea proves the Romantic belief that human nature cannot be explained in a rigid and strict manner, that it is instead going to flow freely through the mind of the individual and function however it pleases. This allows human nature to be stripped of all logic and coherence, as it is incapable of being understood or anticipated. The Puritans despise any idea that hints to a lack of control over any aspect of the world, believing that everything has to make complete sense, that everything can be understood and that control is needed to explain and understand all com ponents of life. Yet, the Romantics instead cherish a lack of control and understanding, finding the beauty in what one cannot understand. In addition to humankind’s complexity, Bryant also uses close depiction of the natural processes of the earth to reveal the many terrifyingly evil and uncontrollable layers of human nature that ultimately crush helpless individuals or ideas. The poem spends the majority of its time seeking out the beauty of nature, which, in turn, alludes to the beauty of human nature. However, the end of the poem takes a graphic turn, as the â€Å"little wind flower, who just opened eye†(114) is destroyed by the â€Å"rapid clouds†(120-121) that â€Å"shade heaven†(121) and send â€Å"their volleyed stores, rounded like hail/ And white like snow, and the loud North again/ Shall buffet the vexed forest in his rage†(122-124). This horrific turn of events represents the evil, sinful element of human nature: an element that is merc iless and destructive, for no predetermined reason. This abrupt change from beauty to pure evil further proves both the open-ended, illogical concepts upon which Romanticism is built as well as the unexplainably sinful characteristics of mankind. Puritanism fears these concepts and characteristics, as the concepts represented something that the Puritans can not control. Therefore, through this idea, individuality becomes the major difference at hand. The Romantic view on individuality is one that accepts the corruption and complexity of humans, while Puritans think in the opposite manner, as everyone and everything is thought to be controlled by God. Altogether, Bryant’s use of nature to describe the intricacy and evil of the human mind leads to tremendous dissimilarities between Puritanical and Romantic beliefs. Lastly, the personal experiences of both the author and the reader combine to give the poem a rather unique style and feel. Throughout his life, William Cullen Bryant adored solitude and silence in the woods, as it helped him to gather his thoughts and calm himself during difficult times. These qualities that define Bryant as an individual are explained throughout the poem, such as when the narrator explains his love for the woods: The swelling hills, The quiet dells retiring far between, With gentle invitation to explore Their windings, were a calm society That talked with me and soothed me. (7-11) Just as Bryant cherished the silence within nature during his lifetime, the narrator of his poem appreciates the exact same qualities of nature. Bryant is incorporating his own personality into the poem to give the poem a very unprecedented and unique aura that is born from the author himself. As previously stated, the Romantics focus strongly on the individual and often hold the individual at a higher level of importance than God. Therefore, Romanticism admires the importance of unique personalized experiences and emotions, considering these are what ultimately makes the individual one of a kind. On the other hand, Puritanism holds God above all. Thus, during the Puritan Age, mankind was not allowed to think for themselves and form their own ideas about the world, which ultimately led to an extremely strict view on life and literature. Puritanical writings consist mainly of passages that tell the reader what to think and how to feel, rather than providing the reader with the necessa ry information to think for him or herself and to create a personalized interpretation of his or her own. One is capable of thinking for him or herself because the personal experiences he or she has had throughout his or her lifetime alter the way in which he or she thinks, thus altering the way in which he or she interprets certain situations. This is one of the most important Romantic ideals involved in this poem, as the focus on the individual can be none greater than combining every single aspect of a person’s life and incorporating them into a single, concise interpretation of a literary piece of work. In all, the differing views within Puritanism and American Romanticism shine brightest when under the spotlight of personal experience, as one literary movement revolves around this idea while the other completely shuns it. The clashing ideals found within Romanticism and earlier, stricter schools of thought such as Puritanism spark a rigorous debate that truly defines different ways of philosophical thought. Shall importance be placed on the potential of the individual, or shall it be placed on the power of God? These kinds of opposing viewpoints ultimately shape the way in which society functions in today’s times. Our society is based upon debate, intellect, and defending what one believes in simply because his or her individual experiences and intellect tell him or her to do so. Therefore, our society has grown and improved through Romanticism as a challenge to Puritanism, as the leaders and innovators of our world have simply followed in the footsteps of the Romantics by challenging and questioning predisposed beliefs and ideas. One can only wonder what the future holds with all of this rebellion rising; the world could possibly look much different than it does now, greatly due to the birth o f one creative yet rebellious idea: Romanticism.
Wednesday, May 20, 2020
Essay about Recidivism Prison and Ex-offenders - 2347 Words
The Argumentative Research Paper Melissa Walker (an acquaintance of the author) sits within the walls of her concrete cell at Fluvanna Correctional Center for Women (FCCW). Walker is making a contribution to this year’s recidivism rate. She was released from prison in 2008 after serving seven years of confinement. Sadly to say, this year she reoffended by stealing credit card information from her â€Å"Productive Citizenship†instructor. Her new charges are credit card theft, forgery, as well as probation violation. The price for Walker’s reoffending is incarceration until March, 2015. Wayne Luke, a retired probation officer with the Virginia Department of Corrections, says that the difference between successful and non-successful†¦show more content†¦Most importantly the offender learns how to answer any questions in regard to being a convicted felon. The Fast Track Program provides limited services to inmates who are nearing release and have not been able to participate in the Productive Citizenship Program. Both programs provide a list of resources to assist each inmate preparing for release. Other programs offered by DOC are Breaking Barriers, a six week course on overcoming the barriers associated with release, parenting classes, and the opportunity to obtain a GED certificate. There are several employment placement services available for ex-offenders upon release. Goodwill Industries of Richmond offers employment and training programs for ex-offenders and will often offer employment opportunities upon completion (â€Å"Employment and Training†). Boaz and Ruth is a faith-based organization that also assists in job training and employment placement in the Richmond area. The State of Virginia has the Virginia Workforce Center that offers training and employment assistance as well (Virginia. Virginia Employment Commission). The Internal Revenue Service offers incentives to employers to hire ex-offenders by offering a tax credit by submitting tax form 8850. Employers qualify for this tax credit by hiring an ex-offender who has been convicted of a felony under federal and state law and then is hired no more than one yearShow MoreRelatedThe Effects Of Recidivism On The United States958 Words  | 4 Pagesof recidivism as it relates to communities within the United States. Yet recidivism remains a problem in the US. The focus here is not recidivism itself, but to understand which aspects of case management services may assist in lessening recidivism after an offender’s incarceration. Nationally within three years of release, about two-thirds (67.8 percent) of released prisoners were rearrested (National Institute of Justice, 2014). 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Most people generally come home to nothing and have to try to make a life out of it. As an ex-con you face stigma, lack of opportunities and the constant risk of recidivism. Recidivism is the ongoing cycle of incarceration. You continue to be in and out of prison because you cannot successfully re-transition into society. This topic is worth investigating because recidivism is a current problem in the United States and it usually takes place because the justice system fails to prepareRead MoreThe Strain On Taxpayer s Money Essay1429 Words  | 6 PagesBureau of Prisons, on average, it costs 31,286 dollars to house one inmate. Some Maximum-Security prisons cost as much as 60,000 dollars an inmate and goes on to name that the most expensive prison, Guantanamo Bay in Cuba, costs approximately 90,000 dollars a year (The Law Dictionary, 2012). While the thought of alleviating the c ost associated with jails and prisons, is an unreachable goal, the goal of lowering the number of recidivist and in turn lowering overcrowding is attainable. Prison programs
Monday, May 18, 2020
The Role of Rhythm and Intonation in Language Acquisition Free Essay Example, 1250 words
An important trait of human language is known as prosody which consists of the musical features of speech such as rhythm, pitch, and intonation. Infants have the ability to differentiate between rhythms since birth. A study concluded that those infants who were 2 to 3 months old could differentiate tones on the basis of the sequence of the rhythms. In order to study the capacity of an infant to process sentences, Mehler et al (1988) conducted an experiment that was based on the method of nonnutritive sucking. This experiment was performed by measuring the number of sucks that the infant produced when he was listening to speech passages. He evaluated that a French infant who was merely 4 days old had the ability to differentiate between French; which was his mother tongue and Russian. Furthermore, these infants could also differentiate between English and Italian, both of which were unfamiliar for the baby (Hesketh, Christophe Lambertz, 1997). Researches have also proved that the sensitivity of an infant the prosodic units and intonations serve as the building block in a Child s language acquisition. We will write a custom essay sample on The Role of Rhythm and Intonation in Language Acquisition or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/page Another concept of bootstrapping is used to reveal more from one word. A study suggested that infants who are 8 months of age quickly learn to differentiate between flows of syllables based on the sounds which occur more often than others. Babbling is another speech-related phenomenon that usually occurs between 6 to 10 months of age.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
My Life Changed My Character - 916 Words
The event that permanently changed my character happened as I was on a life-changing trip to Africa. For some background information, I learned about the trip a year before and was immediately ecstatic. At first it was just going to be me with some family friends journeying to Africa. With the personality God gave me, I was probably even more excited with the aspect of being basically on my own. Ever since I could read and fully utilize my imagination, the unsocial life of living in the abundant fantasy worlds that authors and producers have created throughout the century has always been a solid thing to fallback on whenever an escape is needed. Also, the sense of being utterly detached from my old life entirely was another huge factor in the building of my anticipation. However, my dad got his schedule rearranged and thus an unforgettable father-son trip was born. If anyone were to ruin my alone time and me be happy, the one person would have to be my father. The flights were going to be long and awful if it was not for a good book that I picked up in an airport bookstore. I do not possess the ability to sleep well on planes. Therefore, a long and enthralling book was perfect for me. Before I knew it the plane landed in Kigali, Rwanda. My corrupted American view of Rwanda immediately vanished once I saw a beautiful city on top of an even more beautiful plateau. The hotel car drivers were polite and informative. They were also full of some great stories, but alas theShow MoreRelatedLooking For Alaska By John Green1093 Words  | 5 Pageslook at my room, I see a girl who loves books†, said Alaska Young in the book Looking for Alaska, no I don’t personally have a room filled with books but I sure do love them. The thing I find amazing about books is how they can change how you view things in life, or how they can make you discover a possible career for your future but sometimes they can make you do negative things. For me a couple of books have do ne this and it has almost been life changing. By life changing I mean it has changed someRead MoreThe Revision Of The Wedding1010 Words  | 5 Pagesand the instructor’s critiques. I changed the opening into an attention getter suggested by the instructor. I also chose the perspective of the main character to add more depth to the poem. I took the dramatic tension and gave more life to that so I could tie it into the character’s perspective. I changed the ending to make it more effective for this poem using the thirteen ways of looking at revision. For the revision of The Bra, I used the suggestions of my peers. Several suggestions cameRead MoreGrowing Up Is A Hard Thing For Me1554 Words  | 7 Pagesmean by that is not that it was hard for me to grow or develop literally, but that it was very hard to grow up mentally. When I was in high school an event happen to me that completely changed my life from being a typical average high school kid who didn’t care about school, to a hard working dedicated student. Life can change in an instant, and change everything in an instant too. it happened to me once, and I am truly happy that it did because now I now that everything I have is a blessing, andRead MoreVideo Games And The Video Game947 Words  | 4 Pages I’ve been playing video games and watching various forms of animation for years. I started to play video games on my Sega Genesis, like Sonic the Hedgehog and Phantasy Star. From then on, I advanced in gaming platforms and experienced games from Nintendo since the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) and from Sony on the first PlayStation. I spent countless hours playing video games. However, I also spent a fair amount of time watching animation. 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Salem witch trials1 Essay Example For Students
Salem witch trials1 Essay Historical Overview and Brief AnalysisAmidst millenniums of debate, argument, and conflict concerning racial prejudges and those issues which surround their implementation, there has consistently existed a certain historical prejudice regarding various stereotypical ideas for those things which people can not understand or explain logically. While more contemporary examples of such circumstances include concepts such as McCarthyism, it is generally accepted that the most classic example of all such social tragedies based on fear and ignorance is that of the colonial eras Salem Witch Trials. While Mc Carthyism was illustrated as a widespread fear of communism that led the United States to pursue unnecessary investigations, imprisonments, and often unprovoked acts against those who were often only remotely accused of being a dreaded communist, the Salem witch trials led to well over a dozen executions of local women accused of practicing witchcraft and directly associating themselves with evil magic. Although the two historical periods were parallel in their nature and content, it can be argued the much earlier witch trials were the more severely inhumane and irrational as they rendered a constant trend of senseless deaths with little or no justice ever prevailing. The Salem witch trials were held during the year 1692 in Salem, Massachusetts Bay Colony. Beginning in May of that year, the proceedings led to the hanging deaths of nineteen suspected witches and the imprisonment of many others over the five months that would follow. The courtroom episodes of those being tried for witchery were complete, and utter travesties of justice. Women were actually considered guilty as accused until proven innocent. In addition to the known hangings, other cruel forms of punishment such as the burning of witches on a stake and the slow torturous human crushings by brick are evidenced to have existed as Salems justice for their alleged witches. (Brown., Pages 37-41;43). That which is said to have initiated the trials and related hysteria has become an historical irony in our time and is the subject of many contemporary jokes and theatrical performances. Caused by the accusations of a few young girls against women in the Salem community; a special court was co nvened; and trials grew quickly into socially stereotypical prejudices regarding any women seen acting out of or performing witchery. Within time the social chaos did not even exclude Salems more prestigious women as the local governors wife was even implicated in accusations of witchcraft. The dramatic irony is re-exemplified through an examination of the young ladies who intentionally lied to a religious authority and created the spark to cause the fire. Based entirely on their beliefs and accusations, the fear and ignorance of an entire town led to hundreds of imprisonments and nearly two scores of senseless deaths. (Brown; Pp. 67-74). When community leaders did finally begin to cast doubt on evidence; special court was dissolved and those imprisoned were pardoned. Eventually indemnities were paid to the families of those killed yet of the three judges who presided over the trials, only Samuel Sewall admitted error in a public statement The Salem witch trials were clearly Americas most notorious episode of witchcraft. The actual practice of witch persecution, is not however one created in North America at all. The belief in witchcraft was carried to colonial America from Europe, where in the two centuries before 1650 thousands had been executed as witches. The Salem incident, as I wrote, began when two young girls in the household of the Reverend Samuel Parris began to behave oddly. The girls had participated in meetings at which incantations had been cast and attempts made to foretell the future. They were examined by a doctor, ministers, and magistrates, who all concluded that they were bewitched. The resulting f renzy spread rapidly and the new royal governor, Sir William Phips, established a special seven-member court in which to try the prisoners. Jurors were drawn from church membership lists, and the chained defendants had no counsel. In early June, Bridget Bishop was convicted. A brief delay followed because somejudges were uneasy about the validity of spectral evidence such as testimony givenby witnesses about voices or apparitions perceived only by them. The trials were resumed after several leading ministers advised the court that such evidence might be used, but only with exquisite caution. By September 22, the court had tried and convicted twenty-seven persons. Nineteen were hanged, and one, Giles Corey, was said to have been pressed to death by stones. In addition, about fifty had actually confessed, one hundred were in prison awaiting trial, and accusations had touched another two hundred on top of that. (Hansen, Pp 103-111;133-114). Cause And Effect Essay On SmokingIn 1994, the events of the Salem Witch Trials and McCarthyism are viewed as unjust and even barbaric. It is however necessary to consider the standard cliche of relative history; those involved at the time believed that they were doing right. Therefore from a more philosophical perspective it is possible to question the validity of our contemporary justice system; Have we created yet another witch-hunt for terrorists ?For probably as long as there is society, there will exist things which we do not understand and things which we can not rationally explain. As long as there such questionable items; there will exist ignorance and over-dramatized fear. So even today, as we stare into the skies and question the existence of U.F.Os, I wonder only if we will ever advance and stop holding Salem Witch trials. Arnold and Nissembaum, Stephen, Salem Possessed: Printed in 1974 Brown, David, The Salem Witchcraft Hysteria of 1692. Printed in 1984. Hansen, C., Witchcraft at Salem. Printed in 1987. Gitterich, K. McCarthyism. Printed in 1979. Miller, Arthur. The Crucible. Re-printed in 1986. With an Emphasis on The Crucible and McCarthyismGurko, Leo. The Heroic Impulse in The Old Man and the Sea.Bibliography:
Is Your Organization Ready To Consider An HRMS Essay Example For Students
Is Your Organization Ready To Consider An HRMS? Essay Before you look at acquiring an HRMS, look inside your organization. How intrinsic to your companys strategic direction is the acquisition of an HRMS? What is the meaning of an HRMS to your executives? Are they convinced of the strategic importance of HR? Or will your executives views be limited to an HRMS with only basic record keeping functions (such as demographics data or payroll information)? Your success in obtaining strong executive sponsorship will dictate where you look and what package you will select. You will need to consider the overall budget. Who needs to be on side to develop a credible business case?What about technology? Is your organization ready to consider solutions that allow widespread web access? What impact would technology have on external organizations like employee groups? Should they be brought on board early in the cycle?Finally, competing projects may impede your executives consideration of thisproject. Your companys resources may be fully engaged in other initiatives. This will affect your overall timeline. What Functionality Do You Need?There are many options. Basic HRMS include payroll applications with little or noHR functionality. Comprehensive systems include payroll and may include compensation, benefits, positions, health and safety, training and development, and time and labour. In addition to raw function, some packages make it easier to do your job by offering workflow capability. For example, an email message can be automatically triggered to a benefit administrator to enroll an employee on benefits when an applicant ishired. Others have non-traditional ways of accessing information: for example, Interactive Voice Response (IVR) married to workflow can trigger actions like job scheduling. Alternatively, your organization may want to use a kiosk to enable employees to access and update their own personnel information. To determine your scope, your organization should go through a requirements. study or needs analysis. Consider where the payroll system fits in. Should you track detailed payroll records in your financial system? Do you have extensive requirements in the areas of pension administration?Considering both present HR activities and future directions of HR in your organization, list ten case studies that will give you the greatest return on investment. For help with creating the case studies, obtain the HR Matrix available from HRMS Directions or the International Association for Human Resource Information Management (IHRIM). By relating your case studies to return on investment, you can avoid being distracted by insignificant items in vendor demonstrations. Remember to consult with individuals within and outside of the HR functional area to develop your detailed case studies. Other users across the organization may have systems or even desktop applications that will be replaced by this package. If needed, hold facilitated sessions to draw on the experiences and ideas of individuals throughout your organization. Finally, consider whether your case studies rigidly mirror current practice, or area reflective of ways you might consider addressing the target business processes.You want the latter. But What About the Technology?Involve your information technology (IT) group early in your requirements discussions. While they may not be interested in the detailed case studies, they will be interested in the application usage. For example, how many potential users will be accessing the software at the same time? What platform will the software run on? How compatible is it with current technology? If you are considering web access to information, this may mean significant changes to your IT environment. What are the interfaces to the system? Will the HRMS package need to supply data to or receive data from any other systems?Still Is an Implementation Feasible? The Hot Buttons:Resources Based on the application you choose, look at your companys resources to determine whether you are likely to have both the people and the skills available in-house when you will need them. Senior staff who best understand the business area and individuals with implementation experience will need to b e part of your team. Project roles will depend on project size and scope and will include, for example, project manager, sponsor, functional experts, technical experts, database administrators, change management and business process improvement experts. If you do not have the required resources in-house, you may be wise to look externally to one or more consulting organizations that specialize in project implementation to partner with you or lead the project. Young Goodman Brown - Losing Faith EssaySite Visits Optimally, visit organizations in your industry that have already implemented some of the products under consideration. Remember, however, that the organization you visit may not want or have time to communicate less than pleasant experiences. Try to ensure that the benefits will outweigh the costs. Short List Once initial responses are analyzed, develop a short list to consider further. Based on your case studies, request at least one scripted demonstration of the system. This is your chance to see the software and delve further into areas of concern or interest. Subsequent Information Gathering Based on your analysis to this point, you may request additional demonstrations from potential vendors. This provides you with an opportunity to ask additional questions regarding functionality, and will enable you to examine in greater depth questions regarding vendor support, future versions, etc. In addition, interviews with the sales team, technical support staff, and vendor executives may give you valuable insight to determine whether your company should embark on a long term relationship with a particular vendor. Contracting Prior to signing any agreements, make sure a lawyer, knowledgeable in software and ideally HR systems, reviews the contract. Consider incidental costs that may not be included in the initial costing, for example, training, support, or additional resources. Finally, remember that HRMS are complex systems. To derive the greatest value, implementation will take time, planning and energy. Set realistic goals. Your organizations ability to absorb change will directly drive and impact the overall implementation schedule. By taking the time to assess your organization, you can feel confident in answering the key question posed at the outset of this article: Does your organization really need an HRMS and is it ready to step up to the implementation?Recruiting and Staffing:The entire recruiting function is undergoing a virtualrevolution. Self-service systems are being installed on both the supply side forapplicants and the demand side for hiring managers, using the Internet not only tohelp provide the match, but also to help handle the hurdles along the way, such asapplicant testing and background screening. Companies can search thousands of resumes, internationally, either throughproprietary databases or those of vendors such as The Career Connect,CareerMosaic, CareerWeb, The Monster Board, or SkillsScape. Most resumes stillcome to companies on paper but whatever the media, paper, e-mail, the Web or fax,they can be scanned and re-formatted according to corporate specifications, andthen made available to the hiring manager or HR manager anywhere in a company,anywhere in the world. Improvements in optical character recognition have played an important part in thisnew capability, as have improvements in expert systems that providecategorizations and recognition of terms and rules. Systems can make inferencesabout skills and potential based on the words and phrases used in a resume. Newtechnology not only helps with the review of a large number of resumes, but it alsogets them to the right people quickly, using a variety of media and vendors. Thenext generation of recruiting software is incorporating skill-based questionsenabling the hiring company to pre-screen applicants. In ConclusionThe HR function, being one of the most data-intensive in any organization, is one ofthe leading beneficiaries and exploiters of these new achievements in technology. Now, HR professionals are more computer literate. They know how to use thetechnology to their advantage and to the overall benefit to the company. Utilizing thepower of new computers and software applications, notably the web, coupled withthe reengineering process, many organizations have started capturing self-servicedata for all personnel actions, such as new hires, salary changes and transfers,enrollment for training, as well as recruiting and staffing. All of this means more time for employees to do their job and it has meant valuableinformation for line management.
Thursday, April 23, 2020
Wuthering heights 2 Essay Example For Students
Wuthering heights 2 Essay Throughout the novel Wuthering Heights, Emily Bront effectively utilizes weather and setting as methods of conveying insight to the reader of the personal feeling of the characters. While staying at Thrushcross Grange, Mr. Lockwood made a visit to meet Mr. Heathcliff for a second time, and the horrible snow storm that he encounters is the first piece of evidence that he should have perceived about Heathcliffs personality. The setting of the moors is one that makes them a very special place for Catherine and Heathcliff, and they are thus very symbolic of their friendship and spirts. The weather and setting are very effective tools used throughout the end of the novel as well, for when the weather becomes nice it is not only symbolic of the changing times, and the changing people, but also a new beginning. During his stay at Thrushcross Grange Mr. Lockwood made the perilous journey to Wuthering Heights only a few times. On the occasion of his second visit, the snow began to drive thick ly(7) during his walk, and this horrible weather should have been foreshadowing to Lockwood about Heathcliffs, and the other members of the households true personalities. Upon arriving he was forced to bang continually upon the door before someone would take the care to let him in out of the cold. The dinner that Lockwood was permitted to have with the ‘family was anything but hospitable. Lockwood was treated not unlike an ignorant and unworthy guest, and hence the visit was in no way enjoyable for him. Upon desiring to leave the destitute home, Lockwood finds the weather too intolerable for him to even consider venturing out on his own, and upon being attacked by one of the dogs, he was pulled into the kitchen(15) and allowed, however ungraciously, to stay the night at Wuthering Heights. Once his walk home commenced the following day, Lockwood found himself being escorted by Heathcliff himself. The path that is used as a means of connection between the two houses does well to exemplify the feeling contained within each. The path that is nearest to the Heights is long and winding, with many pits, at least, were filled to a level; and entire ranges of mounds, the refuse of the quarries . . . blotted from the chart(28). This description is a disheartening one, and causes the reader to associate this kind of representation with the Heights. Upon reaching the pass between the Heights and the Grange, Heathcliff did not continue to direct Lockwoods travels. He stated that he could make no error there(28), for the path is transformed into one that is straight and easy for Lockwood to follow. These preliminary descriptions of the path between the two houses, and the weather upon first being introduced to the characters, help in conveying the personalities of the characters in a more subtle manner. The area surrounding both the Heights and the Grange are referred to as the moors, and they are an important setting for many characters throughout the course of the n ovel. The two characters that the moors are most symbolic of, however, are Heathcliff and Catherine Linton. The two would play on the moors as children, and this area of land was very expressive of their wild personalities, and of their friendship. The moors are thought of by them as a place where they could be free and unrestricted to be themselves. Bront once again utilizes a setting to represent the personalities of her characters, for here she uses the wildness of the moors to express the wildness of Heathcliff and Catherine. One evening Catherine makes the decision to marry Edgar Linton, and not her true love Heathcliff. Heathcliff hears her declaration and runs off into the moors. Not long after Heathcliff leaves the vicinity of the Grange, a storm came rattling over the Heights in full fury(78), and Catherine refuses to sleep without her love present in the Heights. Catherine would not be persuaded into tranquility. She kept wandering to and fro, from the gate to the door . . . and at length took up a permanent situation on one side of the wall, near the road, where, . . . great .u241d251978449f63650ae3d58cfd1b5b , .u241d251978449f63650ae3d58cfd1b5b .postImageUrl , .u241d251978449f63650ae3d58cfd1b5b .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u241d251978449f63650ae3d58cfd1b5b , .u241d251978449f63650ae3d58cfd1b5b:hover , .u241d251978449f63650ae3d58cfd1b5b:visited , .u241d251978449f63650ae3d58cfd1b5b:active { border:0!important; } .u241d251978449f63650ae3d58cfd1b5b .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u241d251978449f63650ae3d58cfd1b5b { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u241d251978449f63650ae3d58cfd1b5b:active , .u241d251978449f63650ae3d58cfd1b5b:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u241d251978449f63650ae3d58cfd1b5b .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u241d251978449f63650ae3d58cfd1b5b .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u241d251978449f63650ae3d58cfd1b5b .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u241d251978449f63650ae3d58cfd1b5b .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u241d251978449f63650ae3d58cfd1b5b:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u241d251978449f63650ae3d58cfd1b5b .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u241d251978449f63650ae3d58cfd1b5b .u241d251978449f63650ae3d58cfd1b5b-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u241d251978449f63650ae3d58cfd1b5b:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Dream Interpretation And Interpretation Therapy Essay We will write a custom essay on Wuthering heights 2 specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now
Tuesday, March 17, 2020
The witch craze of the 1600s essays
The witch craze of the 1600's essays Are there such things as a witch? If the answer is yes, then what do they look like? Where do they live? In what way are they different from the modern day illusionist or magician? If the answer is no, then explain why nearly the entire population of Europe was convinced that witches existed for more then a century so much so, in fact, that a section of their written laws was devoted to the steps for discovery and prosecution of witches If you were to ask the average individual in North America what they new about witches, they would probably mention something about the Salem witch trials that took place in Massachusetts during colonial America. The fact of the matter is that the twenty witch burnings that took place in Salem in 1692 pale in comparison to the witch craze that engulfed Western Europe during the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries . If the entire population of a continent believed in witches, then it is unquestionable they do exist, or at least did exist, right ? One logical way to accurately answer these questions is to examine books pertaining to the controversial subject of witches. The two books chosen for this investigation provide both a macro and a micro perspective on the European witch craze. Joseph Klaits Servants of Satan: The Age of Witch Hunts gives a general overview of the witch hunt craze of the sixteenth and seventeenth century. The more detailed book A Case of Witchcraft: The Trial of Urbain Grandier by Robert Rapley, on the other hand, describes a specific series of events, which occur during the same time period. By comparing these two books, an understanding of the political, religious, and social attitudes of that era can be obtained. Thus, once this understanding is outlined then perhaps these witch related questions can be answered. In order to understand these books more clearly, the scene must be set for the impending investigation. Although the witch craze was a phenomeno...
Sunday, March 1, 2020
Conjugating Andare in Italian
Conjugating Andare in Italian As people are always going somewhere, â€Å"andare†is an incredibly common verb in Italian, so you’ll want to be very comfortable with conjugating it in all its tenses. What’s more, it’s an irregular verb, so it doesn’t follow the typical -are verb ending pattern. Below you’ll find conjugation tables with examples so you can become more familiar with how to use it in everyday conversation. Some definitions of â€Å"andare†include: To goTo travelTo functionTo fit What to know about andare: It’s an intransitive verb, so it does not take a direct object.The infinito is â€Å"andare†.The participio passato is â€Å"andato†.The gerund form is â€Å"andando†.The past gerund form is â€Å"essendo andato†. INDICATIVO/INDICATIVE Il presente io vado noi andiamo tu vai voi andate lui, lei, Lei va loro, Loro vanno Esempi: Vanno in piazza, vuoi andare pure tu? - They’re going to the piazza, do you also want to go?Vado a lavoro tutti i giorni tranne la domenica. - I go to work every day except Sunday. Il passato prossimo io sono andato/a noi siamo andati/e tu sei andato/a voi siete andati/e lui, lei, Lei à ¨ andato/a loro, Loro sono andati/e Esempi: Sei andato alla festa di Marco? Com’era? - You went to Marco’s party? How was it?Dove siete andati giovedà ¬ sera? - Where did you (all) go Thursday evening? L’imperfetto io andavo noi andavamo tu andavi voi andavate lui, lei, Lei andava loro, Loro andavano Esempi: Da bambina andavo spesso al mare con la mia famiglia. - When I was a little girl, I often went to the sea with my parents.Mi ricordo che tu andavi spesso a studiare in biblioteca. - I remember you used to go often to study at the library. Il trapassato prossimo io ero andato/a noi eravamo andati/e tu eri andato/a voi eravate andati/e lui, lei, Lei era andato/a loro, Loro erano andati/e Esempi: Eravamo gi andati al mare quando ci siamo resi conto che stava per piovere. - We had already gone to the sea when we realized that it was about to rain.Mi sono ammalata quando tu eri andato in America. - I got ill when you were in the US. Il passato remoto io andai noi andammo tu andasti voi andaste lui, lei, Lei andà ² loro, Loro andarono Esempi: Audrey Hepburn andà ² in Africa per aiutare bambini. - Audrey Hepburn went to Africa to help children.Molti italiani andarono in America in cerca di un lavoro. - Lots of Italians went to the United States looking for a job. Il trapassato remoto io fui andato/a noi fummo andati/e tu fuiste andato/a voi foste andati/e lui, lei, Lei fu andato/a loro, Loro furono andati/e Esempi: Non appena Sophia Loren fu andata a Roma per girare un nuovo film, un’altra compagnia le offrà ¬ un ruolo principale. - Just right after Sophia Loren had gone to Rome to film a new movie another company offered her a principal role.Quando i miei genitori furono andati via, mi misi a dormire. - When my parents had left I fell asleep. TIP: This tense is rarely used, so don’t worry about mastering it. You’ll only find it in sophisticated writing. Il futuro semplice io andrà ² noi andremo tu andrai voi andrete lui, lei, Lei andr loro, Loro andranno Esempi: Andranno al mercato e poi torneranno a casa. - They will be going to the store and then they will return home.Lui andr in Italia fra un mese. - He will be going to Italy in a month. Il futuro anteriore io sarà ² andato/a noi saremo andati/e tu sarai andato/a voi sarete andati/e lui, lei, Lei sar andato/a loro, Loro saranno andati/e Esempi: Maria à ¨ appena partita, sar andata all’universit. - Maria just left, she must have gone to university.Quando saranno andati via, sar molto tranquillo qua. - When they will have gone away, it will be very calm here. CONGIUNTIVO/SUBJUNCTIVE Il presente che io vada che (noi) andiamo che tu vada che (voi) andiate che lui, lei, Lei vada che (loro, Loro) vadano Esempi: Dubito che vadano a scuola per studiare, oggi c’à ¨ una festa da non perdere al mare. - I doubt they are going to school to study, today there is a must-attend party at the seaside.Spero che andiate a vedere la mostra su Pollok, à ¨ meravigliosa! - I hope you’re going to visit Pollok’s exibition, it’s amazing! Il passato io sia andato/a noi siamo andati/e tu sia andato/a voi siate andati/e lui, lei, Lei sia andato/a loro, Loro siano andati/e Esempi: Penso che siano andati nel posto sbagliato. - I think they went to the wrong place.Ritengo che tu sia andato molto bene nell’ultima interrogazione! - I think you did really well in your last oral test! L’imperfetto io andassi noi andassimo tu andassi voi andaste lui, lei, Lei andasse loro, Loro andassero Esempi: Credevo che andassero a Milano per l’expo. - I thought they went to Milan for the Expo.Pensavo che ci andassimo domani! - I thought we were going there tomorrow! Il trapassato prossimo io fossi andato/a noi fossimo andati/e tu fossi andato/a voi foste andati/e lui, lei, Lei fosse andato/a loro, Loro fossero andati/e Esempi: Se fossimo andati in Italia, avremmo avuto una bella vacanza. - If we had gone to Italy, we would have had a great vacation.Se tu fossi andata alla festa, avresti visto Marco. - If you had gone to the party, you would have seen Marco. CONDIZIONALE/CONDITIONAL Il presente io andrei noi andremmo tu andresti voi andreste lui, lei, Lei andrebbe loro, Loro andrebbero Esempi: Se volessimo fare un viaggio in Spagna, andrebbero con noi? - If we wanted to take a trip to Spain, would they go with us?Se dovessi scegliere, andrei con loro. - If I had to choose, I’d go with them. Il passato io sarei andato/a noi saremmo andati/e tu saresti andato/a voi sareste andati/e lui, lei, Lei sarebbe andato/a loro, Loro sarebbero andati/e Esempi: Sarei andato al mare, perà ² mia madre aveva bisogno del mio aiuto. - I would have gone to the seaside, but my mom needed my help.Saremmo andati in Spagna, perà ² ci hanno detto che non volevano fare un viaggio l. - We would have gone to Spain, but they told us that they didn’t want to take a trip there. IMPERATIVO/IMPERATIVE Presente noi andiamo tu va’, vai voi andate lui, lei, Lei vada loro, Loro vadano Esempi: Va’ a scuola! - Go to school! (informal)Vada dal dentista! - Go the dentist! (formal)
Thursday, February 13, 2020
Improvement of solar thermal collector Research Proposal
Improvement of solar thermal collector - Research Proposal Example Once the best design dimensions are created, anywhere from two to ten prototypes will be built and tested. They will be tested under a variety of light conditions, trying to simulate a range of light beyond the normal expected use of solar panels. The hope would be that this design could, among other advantages, catch light that is more diffuse or at lower intensities, enabling a broader climactic range to employ the technology. There will also be stress testing of the prototypes to test for breaking scenarios and determine if durability is within acceptable parameters. Stress testing will include shaking, simulated geological turbulence, simulated barometric turbulence, falling, heavy weight to simulate snow and hail, and other tests. Parameters being tested for will include potential climactic range; efficiency; spectrums of light absorbed; durability under adverse weather conditions; durability under both normal and extreme circumstances; more compact size; and cost. Once initial testing is completed, flaws will be determined, simulation begun again, until the final working prototype is selected. A literature review shows that this project has promise. Cheshire Innovation uses Fresnel lenses in their solar desalination plants (Patent application Nos. 0511946.6, 0608208.5). McGrew's 1980 Patent No.
Saturday, February 1, 2020
Reading Response Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 25
Reading Response - Essay Example This leads us to two critically important questions. Is the modern liberation movement heading in the right direction or too much assertion is used to bring a change? Also, how long will it take to eradicate gender stereotypes from society? Feminist artists have contributed a lot to revolutionize the image of women. They have asserted through their works that a woman’s personality cannot be defined by men, rather she is herself the maker of meaning. This means that the status of women in society cannot be labelled submissive. It is important for a woman’s body to be seen through a woman’s eyes because this effectively disrupts the centuries old concepts held and promoted by men. Conventional femininity reinforces this male idea that women are delicate and docile (Frueh 194). So, modern feminist art has definitely focused on female body a lot in myriad different ways. This leads us to important questions. Does concentrating focus on female nudity in art contribute much to changing patriarchal views? Does feminist art play a significant role in emancipating
Friday, January 24, 2020
The Challenges of Being a Black Man in America Essay -- Racism, Prejud
"Black Lung" is a chronic disease of the lungs mostly associated with coal miners; "Black Magic" is the practice of witchcraft; illegal transactions take place in a a "Black Market"; a "Black Sheep" is a person who does not have the same values or behavior as their family. How does all this pertain to being a black man in America today? These examples indicate that the English language is prejudiced, and the process of learning the language teaches prejudice and passes on racist ideas to children as they learn to communicate. This results is the racist American society which we see today. However, before dealing with the burden of blackness, let us dive into what race really is. Some believe that race is a biological term, understandably so. People with similar physical appearance, such as eye shape or color, could be assumed to be of the same heritage, but this is not always true. According to the authors of Intercultural Competence, "Contrary to popular notions . . . race is not primarily a biological term; it is a political and societal one that was invented to justify economic and social distinctions. . . . One's 'race' is best understood as a social and legal construction" (32). Since race is not inherent or "naturally ordained" but a social and legal construction, the use of this term is subjective. One's "blackness" or "whiteness" is dependent on how society defines it. What are white and black anyway? As people of different origins and of different heritages, the average American is a "mutt" (of mixed ancestry). What defines what "race" the average American is or what race you are? The color you turn out to be? Is Stacy, a person who is ninety-five percent "white" and five percent "black," considered black because th... ...g the meaning to a human being. As the unknown poet said, illustrating how so many others feel: "But in his mind it wasn't lost, the one undeniable fact/That in a land of justice for all, he always would be BLACK." Works Cited Bradshaw, York W., Joseph F. Healey, and Rebecca Smith. Sociology for a New Century. Boston: Pine Forge Press, 2001. DuBois, W.E.B. The Souls of Black Folk. 1903. New York: Bantam, 1989. Gazzaniga, Michael, and Todd F. Heatherton. Psychological Science. New York: W.W. Norton and Company, 2003. Holy Bible: New Living Translation. Wheaton: Tyndale, 1996. Lustig, Myron W., and Jolene Koester. Intercultural Competence. 4th ed. San Francisco: Allyn and Bacon, 2003. Merriam-Webster's Dictionary Online http// Rottenberg, Annette T. Elements of Argument. 7th ed. New York: Bedford/St. Martin's, 2003.
Thursday, January 16, 2020
Control Freak Essay
Virgos are analytical, observant, and precise. We strive to be perfectionist, so we have to be on top of everything and every detail. Whenever I do anything I do my best to make sure it’s perfect, whether it’s something I’m passionate about or something I’m forced to do. I like for things to be perceived in a certain way, I like for my efforts to be praised, and in order to get that it has to be perfect, if not near. A lot of people assume being a control freak is a bad thing, but in my opinion it’s not. I know what I want, and most times how I want it done. I’m not always lost or confused on a lot of things because I’ve probably thought about it in my head before and know what most possible outcomes are. What I’ve learned is that the only people who dislike control freaks are people who are control freaks themselves, or have control issues on some type of level. People who don’t really like responsibility, and are untamed tend to like control freaks because they keep them in line, and on point. They direct them and help them stay on track. An example of someone who could be a control freak is a Sergeant in the Army. When you’re a sergeant you have to dictate and tell people what to do. You have to make sure people follow a certain set of guidelines and rules, while following them yourself. Having that type of power over people will sometimes go to your head and make you a compulsive control freak. You want things done a certain way, at a certain time, in a certain place, with no exceptions. Another Example of someone who takes being a control freak overboard, or obsessive is the â€Å"controller. These people obsessively try to dictate how you’re supposed to be and feel. They have an opinion about everything. They’ll control you by invalidating your emotions if those don’t fit into their rulebook. People with low self-esteem who see themselves as â€Å"victims†attract controllers. Whether spouting unsolicited advice on how you can lose weight or using anger to put you in your place, their comments can range from irritating to abusive. What’s most infuriating about these people is that they usually don’t see themselves as controlling–only right. When it comes to myself and being controlling, it was never because I had a desire to control someone. When I was younger I watched over my younger brothers, I had a responsibility. I was left in charge, and having two younger kids to watch over, I had to take on the role of a father. So I was a mini dictator, I had to tell them what to do, and how. I had to make sure everything in the house was straightened, and not broken, and I sometimes had to discipline them. After years of doing this I developed a controlling personality. I don’t see myself as overly controlling, just subtly controlling. I don’t try to control every aspect of people’s lives. The only thing I’m really particular about is details in something I’m doing such as my work, art, appearance. When it comes to relationships and me being controlling, it doesn’t affect them. It doesn’t affect them because I’m not over the top controlling, I just tell them things to help improve them in some type of way. I actually like somewhat controlling people in relationships. The way I see it, it’s a challenge. They’re not easy, and submissive. I love dominance in a person; it gives me a sense of security when someone shows dominance. To me it’s like they care enough to give direction and guidance. Not all control freaks have a need to obsess and be in control of everything that is happening, some of us were put into a position of power that lead to being a control freak. And in our mind, it isn’t being controlling. We’re just particular about things, we know what we want in life. What’s so bad about that?
Tuesday, January 7, 2020
Frankenstein Vs. God Essay - 1807 Words
Frankenstein Vs. God In the Bible, the book of Genesis 1:27 states that God created humankind in his image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them. Creating both men and women in His image, God is the only person who can do this successfully, giving us unconditional love and never abandoning us throughout our journey in life. On the other hand, Victor Frankenstein, a young scientist creates a life form due to his love of natural sciences. His desire to create this life form only for an experimental purpose unknowingly leads to disastrous outcomes for both Victor Frankenstein and his creation, the monster. In Mary Shelleys novel, Frankenstein, the protagonist, Victor Frankenstein uses his knowledge†¦show more content†¦This experiment places him out of society and in isolation for months, showing his obsession with creating something that is his own. In addition, Frankenstein knows he has the ability to create the monster where he [emphasizes] the necessary defe rence to nature that empirical science lacked, [Shelley] found her portrayal of Victors artificial human complicated by the materialism of his genesis (Willis 2). Victors arrogance in knowledge led him to create the monster only because he knew he could. The monster is purely experimental and Victor creates the monster because his knowledge overcame his decision between morals and achievements. Victor uses his knowledge not for the benefit of society, but for his own purpose of experimentation which ends up turning out the opposite way that he imagines. Knowing his own vanity, Victor says lean from me, if not by my precepts, at least by my example, how dangerous the acquirement of knowledge and how much happier that man is who believes his native town to be the world, than he who aspires to become greater than his nature will allow (Shelley 38). After creating the monster and all the hardships Victor had to go through, he realizes that a person should be happy with the world around him/her and not try to change it. He admits that trying to become a man greater than who he could be drove him mad and his knowledge went in tow with it. FromShow MoreRelatedFrankenstein vs. God Essay1829 Words  | 8 PagesNo Human Can Play God In the Bible, the book of Genesis 1:27 states that God created humankind in his image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them. Creating both men and women in His image, God is the only person who can do this successfully, giving us unconditional love and never abandoning us throughout our journey in life. On the other hand, Victor Frankenstein, a young scientist creates a life form due to his love of natural sciences. His desire to createRead MoreNature Vs. 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